Thamesdown Drive Resurfacing Project for Swindon Borough Council Video
Thamesdown Drive Resurfacing Project for Swindon Borough Council Video
July 23, 2021
There was a large number of potholes and uneven surfacing on the busy Thamesdown Drive prior to the works. Therefore, these works will improve travel time, reduce noise and limit the damage caused to drivers’ cars.
The project included replacing white lining, bridge joints and new slot cutting and cabling for traffic signal controls. With the junctions serving local housing, numerous businesses and an out of town shopping centre.
Josephine Prunty – Transport Project Manager For Swindon Borough Council said: “Working with Enable Infrastructure (formerly known as BCM Construction) Ltd on the Thamesdown Drive Resurfacing scheme has built on Swindon’s previous positive experience with working with the organisation. The team are highly efficient and coordinated, particularly giving the various works taking place at multiple junctions along the road. The project team communicated the programme and progress well throughout, which in turn helped with our own management of communicating the works. Enable Infrastructure managed a strong team of subcontractors who have delivered the project effectively to date, and we look forward to completing the final elements of works with the team to bring the project to a successful close. ”
It has been a great collaborative experience with Swindon Borough Council and we are excited to build upon the relationships formed.