Enable Infrastructure working to improve Network Rail Track Access Points
Enable Infrastructure working to improve Network Rail Track Access Points
March 26, 2021
Enable Infrastructure (formerly known as BCM Construction) has been working with Network Rail on multiple projects to renew or improve Road Rail Access Points (RRAPS), Safe Walking Routes and Track Worker Safety Sites.
Access Points on the Rail Infrastructure have evolved over 150 years and therefore are often not the result of designed solutions with inherent Health & Safety considerations.
Network Rail has sought to improve access points and has rightly placed Health and Safety at the forefront of their plans.
Enable Infrastructure is proud to be involved in the delivery of these key improvement schemes, ultimately providing safe access and egress for Network Rail, Track Staff, Track Plant and all those involved in track maintenance and operations.
The safe track access points negate the requirement for Red Zone access. These works also entail improved boundary security measures in order to prevent trespass.
Many considerations are required in the successful development, design and construction of these schemes:
Topography; Track geometry and infrastructure; Environmental issues; Planning; Land agreements; Geotechnical; Social issues and 3rd parties to name but a few!
RRAP schemes also require management of HV Electrical interfaces, works resulting include Electrical Design, conductor rail alterations, as well as renewing & re-routing of HV cables. All works are readily undertaken by Enable Infrastructure’s in-house Power Systems team. Indeed, Enable Infrastructure’s Enable Group has proven to be a perfect solution for these projects, with our designers Enable Design (formerly known as Equate Design) having produced the designs, our plant company Enable Hire (formerly known as CHS) provided all required plant, and all labour was provided by our resource agency Crewit.